Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Не сум сигурна кои се границите на креативноста, и иако ова звучи како оксиморон, бидејќи креативноста, нели, нема граници - мислам дека е многу соодветно за моето секојдневно пишување како дел од "creative department" vs. нештата што стварно сакам да ги напишам. Ама, сабајлево наидов на еден убав текст за создавањето и за тоа какви се креативните луѓе. Ме мрзи да го раскажувам, па го ставам само најдобриот дел.
"This idea to create something is not my aim. To be different is a negative motive, and no creative thought or created thing grows out of a negative impulse. A negative impulse is always frustrating. And to be different means 'not like this' and 'not like that.' And the 'not like'--that's why postmodernism, with the prefix of 'post,' couldn't work. No negative impulse can work, can produce any happy creation. Only a positive one."
"This idea to create something is not my aim. To be different is a negative motive, and no creative thought or created thing grows out of a negative impulse. A negative impulse is always frustrating. And to be different means 'not like this' and 'not like that.' And the 'not like'--that's why postmodernism, with the prefix of 'post,' couldn't work. No negative impulse can work, can produce any happy creation. Only a positive one."
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